Remember Your 2024 Car Maintenance Checklist

Posted on January 15, 2024 by Active Insurance

The start of the year marks several things, but few are as impactful as pursuing a fresh start. Regarding your beloved vehicle, the new year gives you the time to review your car, make a list
of expenses you will need to make, and keep it running smoothly. Renew your relationship with your set of wheels while enabling you to keep it running as best as possible. Side note: the
same applies to your auto and motorcycle insurance!

Tire Check and Maintenance
Are your tires looking a little worse for wear? Kick off your maintenance checklist by ensuring your tires are safe and ready to go. We suggest examining tire pressure, tread wear, and a
professional inspection for alignment and balance. Remember, tires that are in good health can improve safety and positively impact insurance rates.

Fluid Levels and Routine Checks
Your vehicle has an abundance of fluids that allow it to run smoothly and safely. A lack of fluids can increase the risk of breakdowns or even more extensive and costly issues. Check and top off
all essential fluids, including engine oil, coolant, brake, and transmission fluids.

Safety Precautions
One of the best ways to optimize your vehicle’s safety is to ensure some of its essential components are working as expected. Components to cross off your checklist include rear and
side mirrors, headlights, and cameras. If you suspect your ABS, airbags, or other more intricate components of your car are not functioning correctly, it’s essential to have them inspected by a professional.

A Healthy Care Means Healthier Insurance Rates
Maintaining a clean driving record and ensuring your vehicle’s regular maintenance keeps you safe on the road and can qualify you for potential insurance discounts. If you’ve made
improvements to your car, closely examine your auto insurance policy and assess whether it still aligns with your current driving habits and vehicle status.

Pronto Insurance Has Your Back
At Pronto Insurance, we are keeping you safe, providing the peace of mind you need, and saving you money. If you’re currently considering new coverage for your vehicle, don’t hesitate
to give us a call. Our team of insurance agents is ready to answer your questions and help you formulate a policy that prioritizes precisely what you need.