Can I Be Pulled Over for Having a Dirty Car?

Can I Be Pulled Over for Having a Dirty Car?

There’s something to be said about driving a spotless and shiny vehicle down the road. After all, who doesn’t want to cruise around in something so immaculate! However, life can get hectic, and it can become challenging to find time to clean and maintain a vehicle. We have to wonder, do police officers have something to say about dirty vehicles? You may be driving around with potential ticket targets. At Pronto Insurance, we want you to take mindful steps while driving on the road, including caring for your car before being potentially ticketed.

Ticket Potential

There are several components in your vehicle that ensure you drive safely and help others identify your vehicle. However, that can be inhibited if your car is beyond filthy and may lead to a potential ticket:

  • Your windshield helps you navigate safely during the day and night, but that can be difficult to do if it has many cracks, dirt, or grime on it.
  • Your license plate helps others identify your vehicle, but this can be impossible if your plates are chipped or covered in gunk.
  • Your lights, including headlights, plate lights, and rear lights, need to be bright and clean so that you can drive around others.
  • As you can imagine, if any of these components keep you from driving your car safely or make it difficult for law enforcement to identify you, you could risk getting pulled over, getting a warning, and even being penalized for having an equipment violation.

    If I Modify My Car, Will My Insurance Rates Increase?

    If I Modify My Car, Will My Insurance Rates Increase?

    Modifications can increase your vehicle’s speed, make it louder, and leave other drivers jealous! As cool as modifications are, it’s essential to know if they’ll raise your insurance rate.

    The Answer May Surprise You

    If you insured your vehicle after purchasing it, then your rate is based on the manufacturer’s specifications. Therefore, any modifications made after can increase your insurance rate.

    You should also know that:

  • Your rate may change when you make repairs.
  • Your rate’s amount depends on how much you modify the car.
  • Modified vehicles have higher rates due to the increased likelihood of them being stolen.
  • The Nature of Your Modifications

    Overall, a paint job may not increase your insurance rates but adding a lift kit, spoiler, or turbocharging your engine might. Whatever you decide, make sure you talk it out with our insurance company to avoid any potential issues down the line.

    Why Do Younger Drivers Get Higher Insurance Rates?

    Why Do Younger Drivers Get Higher Insurance Rates?

    Every year, many young drivers take the wheel for the first time after getting a license. It’s both a passage of life and responsibility and freedom to become independent. However, young drivers require higher prices in vehicle purchases and insurance rates. There are a few reasons it’s more expensive to insure a young driver.

    Rates Are Based on Statistics

    Simply put, younger drivers are more likely to get into accidents. They aren’t as experienced and, therefore, are more prone to driving errors, statistically speaking. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among teens aged 16 through 19 than among any other age group.

    Because insurance rates are high, young drivers are always shopping around for new insurance plans. This occurs so frequently that insurers constantly set up and service new accounts to profit from them.

    What Can You Do?

    If young drivers are looking to save some money on their insurance rates, the answer is simple: drive safely.

    This means:

  • Obeying all traffic laws
  • Do not use your phone while driving
  • Remain calm while behind the wheel
  • Avoid distractions such as talking with friends and eating in the car
  • Will My Car Accident Report Stay on Record Forever?

    Will My Car Accident Report Stay on Record Forever?

    A Lesson in TimeThe amount of time an accident stays on your driving record depends on which state you reside in. For instance, an accident in California can remain on your record for 39 months, yet offenses like DUIs and hit-and-runs can stay for 13 years. However, in Texas, accidents are listed on your driving record for 15 years while intoxication- and alcohol-related accidents stay forever.

    Avoid Permanent Records

    You can avoid having a negative record by practicing safe driving. Our insurance group wants to remind you to respect the road.

    Always remember to:

  • Avoid distractions
  • Obey the speed limit and traffic laws
  • Avoid driving when tired
  • Never drive while intoxicated
  • Avoid interactions with other drivers that keep your eyes off the road
  • The Most Stolen Vehicles in the State of Texas

    The Most Stolen Vehicles in the State of Texas

    Did you know that, on average, it takes just three minutes for a thief to steal a vehicle? In many cases, that number is even lower since most thefts happen when drivers leave their keys inside the car!
    Even modern cars with chip keys and push-start technology can pose little resistance to car thieves. At Pronto Insurance, we want to help protect you and your vehicle, which is why we want to share some valuable information about the most stolen vehicles in Texas.

    The Usual Victims

    According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the most stolen vehicles in Texas are Ford and Chevrolet pickup trucks in the first and second spots, respectively. When it comes to national rates, Honda’s Civic and Accord models are vehicles that are most stolen.
    According to Flex Fleet, there were about 4.2 million trucks in Texas in 2020. That means all of these vehicles have a high risk of becoming another statistic, which is why it’s so important that you take the necessary steps to keep thieves at bay.

    Don’t Become a Statistic!

    Whether you’re indoors running a short errand or leaving your vehicle in your driveway for the night, there are steps you can take to help prevent a theft. Stay vigilant, make smart decisions, and keep these tips in mind:

  • Park your car in well-lit areas when possible.
  • Double-check to make sure the car is locked.
  • Always leave your windows up.
  • Never leave your keys inside.
  • Always have the alarm activated.
  • Labor Day 2021: Enjoy Your Long Weekend with the Utmost Safety in Mind

    Labor Day 2021: Enjoy Your Long Weekend with the Utmost Safety in Mind

    Each year, people from around the nation count down the days for that weekend that allows us rest, fun, and relaxation. These special occasions include Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Labor Day. But, while most people know the significance behind most of these days, Labor Day can often be a mystery. At Pronto Insurance, we like history, especially when it gives way to the joys of a three-day weekend!

    The Beginnings

    In the late 19th century, trade and labor unionists became more active, seeking rights and recognition for the many laborers of America who had a tremendous impact on the way the nation developed.
    The Labor Day holiday (to be celebrated on the first Monday of September) as we know it today, was initially proposed in the early 1880s, although the exact origin is subject to debate. However, one thing is certain: the purpose of the holiday was to recognize and celebrate the contribution that America’s laborers had on the developing nation of the time.

    Celebrate Responsibly

    Today, families across the nation celebrate the occasion by taking trips out to their local parks, the beach, or any other destination that offers the perfect setting to relax and enjoy the day. Of course, this often means more vehicles packed with anticipating passengers hitting the road!
    At Pronto Insurance, we want to remind you that safety is just as important as fun, which is why we suggest following these simple tips to make sure your Labor Day is as safe as it is exciting:

  • Follow the rules of the road, no matter your destination.
  • Ensure that your passengers have fastened their seatbelts.
  • Be respectful to other drivers and avoid distractions.
  • Never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.
  • What Should I Do If I’m the Victim of a Hit-and-Run?

    What Should I Do If I’m the Victim of a Hit-and-Run?

    Car accidents, no matter how minor, can be as stressful as they are frightening. However, few are as rage-inducing as a hit-and-run accident. You see, in most situations, drivers involved in accidents can navigate their crashes in a respectful manner.

    They can exchange information, determine the well-being of their passengers, and find a conclusion to their situation. By driving away, culprits in hit-and-run accidents deny this opportunity to their victims. So, what should you do in the event of a hit-and-run accident?

    Pronto Insurance has the information you need!

    The Dos and Don’ts
    At Pronto Insurance, we strongly suggest you follow this list:


  • Contact emergency personnel if there are any injuries at the scene of the accident.
  • Contact us.
  • Gather as much information as you possibly can, including license plate numbers, vehicle info, photos of the scene and damages, and the location, date, and time.
  • Ask witnesses if they’re willing to provide any additional information about the accident (get their name and contact info for future reference).
  • Don’t:

  • Pursue the vehicle that hit you.
  • Leave the area.
  • Wait to contact the police.
  • Wait to contact us.
  • Protection You Can Count On

    If you’re ready for the protection you deserve against hit-and-runs or any other types of car accidents, then contact Pronto Insurance today.

    3 Things You Didn’t Know Could Affect Your Car Insurance Costs

    3 Things You Didn’t Know Could Affect Your Car Insurance Costs

    No matter what you drive or how new a driver you are, one thing is certain: car insurance is a must. So, if you’re currently comparing rates and are trying to find the information that will lead you to the best decision, we may have some facts that may interest you. Of course, we’re talking about three things you didn’t know could make an impact on your car insurance costs:

    One Fell Swoop Could Be Cheaper

    When you look for insurance rates there’s a big chance you’ll be drawn to the smaller, monthly payments you’re presented with. However, if you do the math, there’s a possibility you may save more money by paying for six or 12 months up front!

    While it may seem like a huge amount of money, but in terms of savings, you could see a big difference. The best thing you can do is speak with your insurance agent so you can discuss the options that best fit your needs.

    Your Souped Up Car May Prove Costly

    You love your loud, fast, gas guzzling car to bits. And why wouldn’t you? After all, you spent significant amounts of money to modify it and get it to its current state. However, these modifications could affect your insurance rates. This is because some modifications can impact your car’s emissions or even its legality on the streets.

    Expensive Cars Mean Expensive Rates, But Why?

    If you’ve been shopping for insurance for a while now, there’s a big chance you’ve come across this factoid: luxury vehicles tend to have expensive insurance rates. But is this because luxury vehicles get into more accidents or are frequently stolen? Partially! The truth is, even if you get into a non-serious fender bender, the repairs can often be extremely expensive.

    Baby’s First Road Trip: How to Survive the Road With Your Little One – Part 2

    Baby’s First Road Trip: How to Survive the Road With Your Little One – Part 2

    In a previous blog we brought you some helpful information that will make your baby’s first road trip a breeze. Fingers crossed. Now, as we gear up for the year’s top vacationing period, we want to share even more advice that will make your parental road trip a breeze!

    Open Minded Wins the Race

    In a baby-less situation you’re very likely to race to your destination, but things are different when you’re hauling a little one. One of the best things you can do for your baby’s first trip is to be flexible when it comes to your schedule. Come to terms with the fact that you may need to make your stop significantly lengthier and you may need to turn your one-day trip into a two day one. It’s really okay!

    Learn to Enjoy the Backseat

    As much as you or your spouse want to ride shotgun, it’s definitely best that one of you ride in the back seat with the baby. It will make life just a little easier when the baby gets fussy, starts to cry, spits up, or just needs someone to hang out with. Additionally, having someone in the backseat means you won’t need to pull over every few minutes to check on your little one.

    Take Time to Enjoy Everything

    When you have a destination in mind it’s easy to forget to live in the moment. However, that’s exactly what you should do, especially during your baby’s first trip! Sure, you’ll get some crying, some fussiness, and a few dirty diapers, but it’s not always you’ll get to give your baby his/her first road trip experience. So, take your time, get your snacks ready, and enjoy the open road with your new copilot!

    Baby’s First Road Trip: How to Survive the Road With Your Little One – Part 1

    Baby’s First Road Trip: How to Survive the Road With Your Little One – Part 1

    Life with a brand-new addition to the family is amazing and full of firsts. There’s the first smile, the first giggle, and the first few steps, which all send you over the moon as a parent. But with all the happiness that “firsts” bring, there are some that make parents extremely nervous. We’re talking about your baby’s first road trip. If your baby’s first road trip is coming up, make sure you follow our tips to make it as smooth as possible.

    Preparation Is Key

    As you already know, leaving your house ill-prepared is a big no-no when it comes to parents. This rule of thumb is especially important when it comes to road trips and we’re not just talking about a fully stocked diaper bag either.

    You have to make sure the bag is in an easy-to-reach spot, there has to be a designated area for the changing pad, and you need to pack a change of clothes for the little one AND yourself. Also, since not all babies are fans of car seats, make sure you pack plenty of toys to keep your child entertained.

    Snacks are a Must

    It’s almost as if babies get hungry when it’s least convenient for you, right? When on your trip, you have to realize that your usual stops for food or a nice stretching session may not coincide with your baby’s needs to feed.

    Of course, you’ll need to stop to feed your baby, but since you’ll likely have to avoid stopping to get yourself some food, snacks are a no-brainer. We’re talking PB&J sandwiches, fruits, nuts, and every type of snack that will keep you running but won’t leave you feeling gross.

    Avoid Night Driving

    You may be thinking you could put in a good amount of miles while your baby sleeps at night. However, it’s important that you consider every scenario. What happens if your baby decides to scream his/her head off while you drive? Or what if your car breaks down and you find yourself stranded with an unhappy spouse and an unhappier baby? So, take the high road and limit your driving to the day time.